Kayanmata Education


Some myths have been gathered in recent times surrounding the importance and use of aphrodisiacs use.

Just in case you haven’t heard; Kayanmata has been in existence for a long time amongst the northerners.

It is known as bedroom material as it is generally believed to improve the activity in “za Oza room”

Check out some Facts and Myth about Kayanmata below

Fact 1.

Kayanmata has been in existence and use for over 500 years, did and still doing well in “za Oza room” activities and the likes.

Fact 2.

Kayanmata comes in different ways, drinkable, applicable, wearable, and more. The form in which it comes does not affect its potency.

Fact 3.

People who use Kayanmata do not write in on their faces. (LOL)

Aphrodisiac is used by most of your favorite celebrities but you wouldn’t know because they don’t plaster it on their faces.

Myth 1.

Kayanmata is used by women alone.

This is a big myth as aphrodisiac products can be used by men too.

Low sperm count, low performance, or even small genital men uses Kayanmata or support.

Myth 2.

People who use Kayanmata are fetish.

Where is the thought coming from? Ingredients used in producing aphrodisiac products are items that can be bought in markets as they are majorly edible or skincare infused. Not all Kayanmata are fetish.

Myth 3.

Kayanmata is majorly used for sex.

Have you read some of our articles? You would see that aphrodisiac use is not limited to sexual prowess or enhancement alone.

It goes a long way and helps in different aspects of life.

Also, One myth that needs to be debunked is the mysticism around Kayan Mata that compares it to love potions and charms used by women to bewitch husbands or lure them away from their wives.

Check out our website and shop our aphrodisiac products in retail and wholesale on www.wholesaleskayanmata.com or place an order via WhatsApp on any of these numbers: (Tomiwa 👉08160678567, Wumi 👉08103867975)


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